History and Aesthetics of Mediatized Image (261297)
Learning Outcomes
- To discern the most important marks of the History of Image;
- To apprehend the complexity of the notion of image in western culture throughout modernity;
- To understand the polysemy of the concept of image in inter-connection with historic evolution, and
Study Program
(i)Communication myths and truths
(ii)Mediations present in the communication process
1 - Image and Theory
1.1- The Image Concept;
1.2- Mimesis: Image and Similarity in Greek Philosophy;
1.3- Image and Economy: Mediations Present in the Medieval Iconoclasm
2 - The Image and its Cultural Mediations
2.1- The Power of Images in the Generation of Emotions;
2.2- Aniconism: Myth or Reality?
2.3- Art and Cultural Aesthetics: Complex Interconnections;
3 - Image and Technique: Media Images
3.1- Visual Culture Instituted by Modern Optical Devices;
3.2- Technical Image and its Possibilities of Reproduction;
3.3- The Contemporary Mediations of Image Technicization.
Principal |
DEBRAY, Régis (1992). Vida y Muerte de la Imagen. Historia de la Mirada en Occidente (or. Vie et Mort de L’Image. Un Histoire du Regard en Occident). Barcelona, Editorial Paidós (2002), 317 pp. FREEDBERG, David (1989). El Poder de las Imágenes. Estudios Sobre la Historia y la Teoría de la Respuesta (or. The Power of Images. Studies in the History and Theory of Response). Madrid, Cátedra (1992), 496 pp. |
BENJAMIN, Walter (1938). A Obra de Arte na Época da Sua Possibilidade de Reprodução Técnica. In BARRENTO, João (ed.) (2006). A Modernidade. Obras Escolhidas de Walter Benjamin. Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim, pág. 207-241. BERGER, John et all (1972). Ways of Seeing. London, Penguin Books, 165 pp. BESANÇON, Alain (2000).The Forbidden Image: An Intellectual History of Iconoclasm. Chicago, University Chicago Press. CRARY, Jonathan (1988). Modernizing Vision. In Hal Foster (ed.) (1988). Vision and Visuality. Seattle, Bay Press, pág. 29-44. CRARY, Jonathan (1990). Techniques of the Observer: On Vision and Modernity in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge, MIT Press. DELEUZE, Gilles (1967). The Simulacrum and Ancient Philosophy. In DELEUZE, Gilles (1990). The Logic of Sense. New York, Columbia University Press, pág. 253-266. FERRAZ, Maria Cristina Franco (2006). Percepção, Subjectividade e Corpo: Do Século XIX ao XXI. In Arte no Pensamento. Seminários Internacionais Museu Vale do Rio Doce. FLUSSER, Vilém (1984). Ensaio sobre a Fotografia: Para uma Filosofia da Técnica (or. Für eine Philosophie der Fotografie). Lisboa, Relógio Discurso’Água (1998), 96 pp. FREEDBERG, David (1989). El Poder de las Imágenes. Estudios Sobre la Historia y la Teoría de la Respuesta (or. The Power of Images. Studies in the History and Theory of Response). Madrid, Cátedra (1992), 496 pp. GEERTZ, Clifford (1983). Art as a Cultural System. In Local Knowledge. Further Essays in Interpretative Antropology. New York, Basic Books (2000), pág. 94-120. JOLY, Martine (1994). Introdução à Análise da Imagem (or. Introduction à L’analyse de L’image). Lisboa, Edições 70 (2007), 173 pp. LINDBERG, David C. (1976). Theories of Vision from Al-Kindi to Kepler. Chicago, University of Chicago Press (1981). LUPI, João (2001). Iconoclastas, Antirréticos e o Poder da Imagem. In Ágora Filosófica, Ano 1, n.º 2. Pernambuco, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, pág. 149-168. MITCHELL, W. J. T. (1984). What is an Image? In New Literary History, Vol. 15, n.º 3. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, pág. 503-537. MACHADO, Arlindo (2001). O Quarto Iconoclasmo e outros Ensaios Hereges. Rio de Janeiro, Contracapa. MANGHANI, Sunil; PIPER, Arthur; SIMONS, Jon (2006). Images: A Reader. London, Sage, 352 pp. MIRANDA, José A. Bragança de (2002). As Imagens no Início. In Cenas da Vida Moderna e Mundialização da Cultura. Revista Semear, n.º 6. In URL: http://www.letras.puc-rio.br/catedra/revista/semiar_6.html. MIRANDA, José A. Bragança de (2008). Corpo e Imagem. Lisboa, Veja, 188 pp. MITCHELL, W. J. T. (2003). Word and Image. In NELSON, Robert S.; SHIFF, Richard (ed.) (2003). Critical Terms for Art History. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, pág. 51-61. MONDZAIN, Marie-José (2003). A Imagem Pode Matar? In Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens, n.º 31. Lisboa, Relógio Discurso’Água, pág. 19-26. PLATÃO. A República. Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (1996). REGO, Arménio (2007). Comunicação Pessoal e Organizacional. Lisboa, Edições Sílabo, 543 pp. The University of Chicago: Theories of Media - Keywords Glossary. URL: http://csmt.uchicago.edu/glossary2004/ |
Videoteca |
BÂMIYÂN (2001). Destruição dos Budas; BBC (2006). How Art Made the World: The Day Pictures Were Born; David Cronenberg (1983), Videodrome; |