Information Systems

Learning Outcomes

This curricular unit addresses the basic notions of information technologies and information systems, providing the basic competences for professionals on information systems. This unit assumes that the solid understanding of information systems is a powerful tool for the success of organizations and for the delivering of useful products and services to the organizations’ customers. At a practical level, the students shall develop intermediate skills on databases.

Study Program

  1. Introduction to information systems and
  2. Spreadsheets: basic and intermediate features management
  3. Information systems and competitive
  4. Data Modeling diagrams entity-relationship.
  5. DBMS Postgres, DBSchema, Radzen: basic and intermediate features management support.
  6. Communication networks and the
  7. The electronic
  8. Transactional systems (TPS), management with the client (CRM) and support for the internal management of the organization (ERP).


Information Systems Today: managing in the digital world, Joseph S. Valacich and Christoph Schneider, Harlow: Pearson, 2016

Management Information System: managing the digital firm, Por Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon, Harlow: Pearson Education, 2016