Introduction to Family Therapies (251050)

Learning Outcomes

•    Introduction to systemic epistemology. 
•    Understand family difficulties through the analysis of relationships and narratives of systems with whom they are related to. 
•    To know the history of the systemic approach and its developments, over time. 
•    To know the historical, cultural and scientific context in which family therapy emerged. 
•    Understand the assumptions of systemic therapies. 
•    Introduction to basic models of family therapy. 
•    Introduction to the specific setting of family therapy. 
•    Perspective of the therapeutic process - Family Therapy. 
•    Awareness of the modalities of therapy with families. 
•    Indications and contraindications for family therapy.

Study Program

1.    Introduction to Systemic Epistemology
1.1.    Emergence of systemic thinking.
1.2.    The theoretical tripod: General systems theory, ecosystemic theories of communication and cybernetics.
1.3.    System definitions and their applications to the family.
1.4.    The family as a system (brief approach).
2.    Origin and development of systemic family therapy
2.1.    Historical, cultural and scientific context.
2.2.    Pioneer authors, history and contributions:
2.2.1.    USA groups and authors
2.2.2.    Groups and authors in Europe
3.    Basic concepts in Systemic Family Therapy
4.    Brief awareness of therapeutic modalities with the family:
4.1.    Family Therapy.
4.2.    Multi-family therapy.
4.3.    Family Therapy with 1 element.
4.4.    Couple Therapy.
4.5.    Network Therapy.
4.6.    Family therapies with a psychoeducational focus.
5.    The Family Therapy session
5.1.    Organization, steps and objectives.
6.    Ethical Issues in Systemic Family Therapies



Alarcão, M.(2000). (Des) equilíbrios familiares. Coimbra: Quarteto Editora.
Relvas A. P.(1997). O ciclo vital da família: perspectiva sistémica. Porto: Afrontamento.
Relvas, A.P. (2000). Por detrás do espelho: da teoria à prática com a família. Coimbra: Quarteto Editora. (pp.12-36).
Relvas. A. P. (1999). Conversas com Famílias. Discursos e perspectivas em terapia familiar. Porto, Afrontamento.