Introduction to Law (271042)

Learning Outcomes

1. Know the main human values of organized civil society.
2. Know the rights and charges of the citizens on civil society.
3. Know the rules of protection and repair of the risks.
4. Know the legislative powers

Study Program

1. The Law
a. Society and law 
b. Distinction between law and religion, morals and social behavior.
c. Characteristics of the law. Need; authority; imperative; coercibility; exteriority.
d. Positive law and natural law.
1. The structure of legal rules
a. The structure of the standard.
b. Characteristics. Hypotheticity; abstraction; generality.
c. Types of norms. Mandatory, permissive and supplementary; General, special and exceptional rules.
d. Sanctioning rules. Legal sanctions. Sanctions compulsory, restorative, compensatory, punitive and preventive.
2. The human being and the law
a. The legal relationship. Subjective right and binding. The potestative law. 
b.  Elements. The subjects: Personality, capacity and legitimacy; The object: Things and installments; the legal fact: The legal transaction and its invalidity. Nullity and voidability. The Warranty.
3. The law values
a. Justice and legal certainty. 
4. The law and the State
a. Powers of the State. Constituent power. Power of constitutional review. Political power. Legislative power. Jurisdictional power. Administrative power.
5. The Law Sources
a. The law. Making and cessation. Interpretation. Integration. Application in space and in time. The custom. The jurisprudence. The doctrine.
6.  The Law Branches
a. Private law and public law. Substantive and procedural law. Domestic law and international law. Community law.



Eiró, P. (2008). “Noções elementares de direito”, Editora Verbo.
Sousa, Rebelo, M. e Galvão, S. (2000). “Introdução ao direito”, Editora lex.


Constituição da República Portuguesa.
Código Civil