Press Advisory (261209)

Learning Outcomes

Students should:

  • Understand journalism as a social mediation domain, in which the news process takes place amongst the sources of information, journalists, media companies and audiences.
  • Determine the functions of a Press Advisor.
  • Know the the importance that PA has on business communication, its management and the maintenance of the organization’s image.
  • Identify the relationship between PA professionals and journalism.
  • Recognize the part of Advisors while sources of information.
  • Identify the resources inherent to the practice of Press Advisory.
  • Know how to plan and manage communication strategies.
  • Know how to deal with the media in crisis situations.

Study Program

1.    The dialectic relationship between the media and the public space.
2.    The journalist's social responsibility and the characterization of routines intrinsic to that activity.
3.    News value and event selection criteria.
4.    Types of journalistic events.
5.    Journalistic language: subjective or interpretative?
6.    Public opinion within the media-covered public space.
7.    The processes of gatekeeping, news making and agenda setting.
8.    The sources of information. Types, functions and theories of
9.    relationship between journalists and their sources.
10.    Press Advisory as source of information: Advisors' functions. 
11.    Press Advisory's resources.
12.    Crisis management: performance before the media.



CARLSON, Matt; Lewis, Seth C. (2015). Boundaries of Journalism: Professionalism, Practices and Participation, Routledge, London
GONÇALVES, Vítor (2006). Nos Bastidores do Jogo Político, O Poder dos Assessores, Editora Minerva, Coimbra.
HANDLEY, A.; CHAPMANN, C.C.(2013). Regras de Conteúdo, Editora Alta Books, Rio de Janeiro.
JONHSON, Jane (2013). Media Relations: issues and Strategies, Allen&Unioun.
LONGO, Walter (2015. Marketing e Comunicação na Era Pós – Digital,HSM Editor.
MARTINS, Paixão Luis (2001). Schiu...Está Aqui Um Jornalista, Editorial Notícias, Lisboa