Leadership, Conflict Management and Negotiation (261239)

Learning Outcomes

* Understand the organizational relevance of conflict management, negotiation issues and leadership,
* Develop leadership skills, conflict management and negotiation.
* To develop competences of critical analysis on the different concepts, relating them to the light of the organizational context.

Study Program

1. Introduction to Conflict Management, Negotiation and Leadership
1.1. Definitions and concepts.
1.2. The binomial management - leadership.
1.3. The binomial management – power
1.4. The relevance of leadership skills, conflict and negotiation management in the current context of organizations.

2. Conflict management in organizations
2.1. Functionality Vs. Dysfunctionality of conflicts.
2.2. Types and categories of conflicts.
2.3. Models of Conflict
2.4. The background of conflict and its escalation phases.
2.5. Concept and characterization of conflict management.
2.6. Theoretical-practical approaches to conflict management styles.
2.7. Simulation exercises.

3. Negotiation as a form of conflict resolution
3.1. The Negotiation Process
3.2. Nature and characteristics of the negotiation.
3.3. Negotiation strategies and tactics.
3.4. Negotiator skills and competencies.
3.5. The role of communication in the negotiation process
3.6. Simulation and self-diagnosis exercises

4. Leadership Historical Perspective 
4.1. Emotional Traits Perspective
4.2. Behavioral Perspective.
4.3. Situational leadership model.
4.4. Transactional Leadership and Transformational Leadership.
4.5. Contemporary Approach to Leadership
4.5.1. Emotional Leadership Perspective
4.5.2. Leaders’ Emotional Skills and Traits
4.6. Self-diagnosis and development exercises.



Bass, B.M. (2008). The Bass handbook of leadership: Theory, research and managerial applications (4th ed.).N.Y: Free Press.
Bazerman, M. & Straus, J. (2005). Negotiation, decision making and conflict management. Cheltenham: Elgar Edward.
Cunha, P. (2001). Conflito e negociação. Porto: Edições Asa.
Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R. & Mckee, A. (2012). Os novos líderes. A inteligência emocional nas organizações. Lisboa: Gradiva.
Pereira, Manuel S. (2015). A Liderança Pessoal e Eficiência da Comunicação nas Organizações. Chiado Editora.
Rego, A. (2010). Comunicação Pessoal e Organizacional. (2ª Ed.). Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.