Management Accounting (261167)

Learning Outcomes

After complete the curricular unit, students should be able to:

  • Understand the importance of accounting as a management tool;
  • Know how the accounting system works;
  • Understand the phenomena and asset facts;
  • Contextualize the essence of the Accounting Standardization System;
  • Interpreting the principal financial statements
  • Understand and interpret the information included on the management report;
Understand the importance and usefulness of the financial information.

Study Program

  1. Introduction (accounting as a management tool)
  2. Financial information sources
  3. Accounting Principles and Study of the Accounts
  4. Assets and Exploration of Business
  5. International Accounting Standardization System (SNC)
  6. Management Metrics
  7. Financial Function and Financial Analysis
  8. Annual accountability demonstration






Borges, A., Rodrigues, A., Rodrigues, R. e Rodrigues, J.A.Z. (2021), Elementos de Contabilidade Geral, (27ª Ed.), Editora Áreas, Lisboa

Caldeira, J. (2022), 100 Indicadores de Gestão, Actual Editora, Lisboa

Fernandes, C., Peguinho, C., Vieira, E. e Neiva, J. (2022), Análise Financeira – Teoria e Prática. (6ª Ed.), Edições Sílabo, Lisboa

Sistema de Normalização Contabilística. (2015), (6ª Ed.), Porto Editora






Neves, J.C. (2004), Análise Financeira – Técnicas Fundamentais, Texto Editores, Alfragide

Neves, J.C. (2012), Análise e Relato Financeiro – Uma Visão Integrada da Gestão, (5ª Ed.), Texto Editores: Lisboa

Rodrigues, J. (2021) SNC – Sistema de Normalização Contabilística Explicado (8ªEd.- reimpressão), Porto Editora

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