Modeling in Management (271159)

Learning Outcomes

To provide the students with elementary competences necessary to support decision making processes within organizations. The structure of the course is problem solving oriented, based on typical cases going on any day-to-day business company, whereas appropriate computer resources drive the integration of data and models into decision making systems.

Study Program

1. Introduction: concept of model and purpose of modelling; target function and management decisions; elements from the theory of value; cost-benefit analysis and opportunity-cost principle; cognitive versus emotional approach.
2. ABC analysis.
3. Resource requirements planning.
4. Managing independent-demand inventory.
5. Modelling demand forecasting.
6. Break-even analysis.
7. Generation of value and sensitivity analysis. Decision trees and expected value.


Lisboa J., Coelho A., Coelho F., Almeida F., Martins A., Introdução à Gestão da Organizações, Ed. Vida Económica. 
Slack, N., Chambers, S., Johnston, R., Operations Management, Prentice Hall.