Models of Multimedia Narrative and Visual Communication (261155)

Learning Outcomes

The curricular unit of Models of Multimedia Narrative and Visual Communication is mainly aimed to develop skills for analysis and planning of media narratives, such as recognizing the main theoretical framework of graphical, iconic and image communication.

Study Program

1. Introduction. How to research, organize and present a theoretical work.
2. Models of Narrative
2.1 Narrative and narrativity
2.2 Types of "short stories"
2.3 The implementation of the Aristotelian model (Poetics)
2.4 The "rites of passage" in the narratives (Arnold Van Gennep)
2.5 The enunciator and the categories of enunciation
2.6 The adaptation of the rites of passage to narratives (Joseph Campbell)
2.7 Definitions of "archetypal narrative", "monomyth", "archplot", "canonic story".
3. Multimedia Narrative
3.1 From Aristotle to hypertext narrative
3.2 The hypertextuality and narrative
3.3 Space and time: user experiences
3.4 Specificities of multimedia hypertext narrative language
3.5 Media types of media and multimedia types of narratives
3.6 Information Architectures
4. Visual Culture
4.1 The nature of the image: definition, uses and meanings
4.2 Contemporary visual and conceptual structures – Conceptual Art, Photomontage,
4.3 Appropriation, Mixed media (from Duchamp to Baldessari and Richard Prince)
4.4 Image and representation: features of the image, image and communication, prototype image – the advertising image, image in the press, image in audiovisuals, image and prejudice - Social taboos, shocking images (Mike Kelley and David LaChapelle)
4.5 Subliminal seduction, Meta-subliminal seduction campaigns (Wilson Bryan Key vs. David Salle).
4.6 Crude publicity tracks – integration of text, image and layout – War and Peace (Mcluhan, Fiore and Thomas Kilpper).



Aicher, O. & Krampen, M. (1995) Sistema de signos en la comunicación visual. (4.ª Edição). México. Gustavo Gili. 
Allen, B. (2012). This Mean This, This Means That – A User's Guide to Semiotics. 2 nd Edition. London, Laurence King Publishing.
Crow, D. (2010) – Visible Signs: An introduction to Semiotics in the Visual Arts. (2.ª Edição). Lausanne, AVA Books.
Miller, C. (2014), Digital Storytelling: A Creators Guide to Interactive Entertainment. Burlington, MA: Focal Press.
Lamarre, G. (2018) Storytelling como estrategia de comunicación. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona.
Lupton, E. (2017) – Design is Storytelling. New York: Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum.