Operations Management (271106)

Learning Outcomes

•    Key elements for operation management;
•    Methods and practices of operation management;
•    Systems and tools that support de operation management;
•    Intervention of the operations manager in the organization.

Enabling students for future challenges of operation management: services organizations and the enlargement of the value chain in the organizations in general.

Study Program

1.    Initiation to the management’ operation in a global context
1.1    Operations and Management’ Operation
1.2    Component of management operation
1.3    Development of the systems of planning and control of operations;
1.4    Process o global’ excellency (World Class Manufacturing- WCF)

2.    Forecasting of the demand
2.1    Characteristics of the demand and the process of forecasting;
2.2    Qualitative and quantitative models of forecasting;

3.    Basic concepts of PCO - Planning and Operation’s Control
3.1    Reference model for PCO system
3.2    Traditional models

4.    Supply Chain Management (SCM)
4.1    Key elements of SCM
4.2    Logistic concepts and SCM
4.3    Management of the supply chain
4.4    Stocks and materials management
4.4.1    Economic management of stocks
4.4.2    Costs associated to the stocks
4.4.3    Security of the stock

5.    Control and management of quality
5.1    Statistical control of quality
5.2    Concept of TQM


Heizer, J., Render, B., & Munson, C. (2017). Principles of Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management (Global editon). Pearson.
Krajewski, L. J., Ritzman, L. P., & Malhotra, M. K. (2010). Operations management: Processes and supply chains. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson
Lisboa, J.V.; Gomes, C.F. (2008), Gestão de Operações (2ª ed. revista e aumentada). Porto: Vida Económica
Pinto, J.P. (2006). Gestão de Operações, na Indústria e nos Serviços. Porto - Lisboa:Lidel
Pires, A.R. (2007), Qualidade. Sistemas de Gestão de Qualidade.
Porto: Sílabo.