Product Management (271151)

Learning Outcomes

  • To identify and describe the product mix
  • To analyze a product's performance;
  • To strategically and operatively manage a product;
  • To make strategic decisions when managing a range of products;
  • To prepare a plan for the launch of a new product.

Study Program

Unit 1 - Basic Concepts:

  • The market and the Product - current trends
  • Company management versus product management
  • Product Levels;
  • Product's Life-Cycle;
  • Services

Unit 2 - Product Management:

  • Distribution analysis;
  • Strategic Decisions in the Product Management;
  • Price;
  • Communication;
  • Brand;
  • Package;
  • Sales Support Service;
  • PM Matrix.

Unit 3 - New Product Development:

  • Idea Generation;
  • Idea Approach;
  • Concept Development and Test;
  • Marketing Strategy Development;
  • Performance Assessment;
  • Product Development and Marketing;



LAMBIN, J (2000) Marketing estratégico, McGraw-Hill, New York.
MARTINET, A. Ch (.,1989) Estratégia, Edições Sílabo, Lisboa.
DIONÍSIO, Pedro et al (2009) b-Mercator, Dom Quixote, Lisboa.
NUNES, João e CAVIQUE, Luís (2008) Plano de Marketing – Estratégia em Acção, Dom Quixote, Lisboa.
KOTLER, Philip (1998) Administração de Marketing, Atlas, São Paulo.
PIRES, Aníbal (1991) Marketing – Conceitos, Técnicas e Problemas de Gestão, Verbo, Lisboa.