Project Analysis (271027)

Learning Outcomes

a)    Get acquainted with the concept of investment project, main investment types, as well as respective classifications and milestones workout.
b)    Approach investment decision making by means of deploying methodologies and evaluation techniques oriented to the acceptance or rejection of projects while exploring appropriate categories of decision rules.

Study Program

1.    Basics about investment projects
i.    Investment concept
ii.    Types of business investments
iii.    Investments classification
iv.    Important topics within investment projects
v.    Major steps while raising investment projects
vi.    Value of money along time
2.    Preliminary research: entity and respective environment insight
3.    Investment plan
4.    Finance plan
5.    Expected revenues and expenses deriving from investment projects
6.    Cost of capital
7.    Investment project economic and financial analysis
8.    Decision making processes on investment projects
i.    Rational approach
ii.    Behavioral approach
9.    Building up investment projects including respective valuation and decision making developed by students’ teams


Barros, Hélio (2008), Análise de Projectos de Investimento, Lisboa, Edições Sílabo, 4.ª Ed..
Brealey, Myers, Allen (2014), Principles of Corporate Finance, New York, McGraw-Hill, 11th Edition