Psychodrama (251037)

Learning Outcomes

-    Understand the theory and practice of Morenian psychodrama.
-    Identify the essential moments of the story of the psychodrama.
-    Identify the instruments, contexts, techniques and phases of psychodrama.
-    Know applications of psychodrama in different contexts.

Study Program

1)    The group:
a)    Definitions, the stages of a group development, Kurt Lewin’s Field theory and the importance of the group study.
b)    Group psychotherapies and therapeutic factors.
2)    The historical framework of psychodrama:
a)    J. L. Moreno: biography and ideological context. the origins and the first psychodramatic moments.
b)    The philosophical basis of psychodrama.
3)    The pillars of psychodramatic theory: spontaneity, role theory and identity matrix.
4)    General characteristics of the psychodramatic session.
a)    Background: the room, the instruments and the stages of the dramatic session.
b)    Dynamics: the main techniques of psychodrama and alternatives to the dramatization.
c)    Theory: the dynamics of the psychodramatic process and the therapeutic cure. Main concepts.
5)    Sociometry and sociometric techniques.
6)    Psychodrama and sociodrama.
7)    Applications of psychodrama in different contexts.



Abreu, J. L. (2002). O modelo do psicodrama moreniano. Quarteto.
Cukier, R. (2002). Palavras de Jacob Levy Moreno: vocabulário de citações do psicodrama, da psicoterapia de grupo, do sociodrama e da sociometria. Ágora.
Marineau, R. (1992). Jacob Levy Moreno: 1889-1974 pai do psicodrama, da sociometria e da terapia de grupo. Ágora.
Moreno, J. L. (2012). Psicodrama. Cultrix.
Rojas-Bermúdez, J. (1997). Teoría y técnica psicodramáticas. Paidós.
Soeiro, A. C. (1991). Psicodrama e psicoterapia. Escher.