Psychological and Potential Assessment Instruments (261238)

Learning Outcomes

This Course aims to develop and provide Students with theoretical and practical skills that enable them to understand, identify and apply methods and tools of psychological and potential assessment in the human resource management domain, as well as recognize their contribution and strategic value for organizational structures and their employees.

Study Program

1. Context of the Psychological and Potential Assessment in the Field of Human Resource Management
1.1. Objectives and fundamentals of the psychological and potential assessment
1.2. Cognitive biases in the psychological and potential assessment: analysis, orientations and its management
1.3. The psychological assessment and its ethnical and deontological principles 
1.4. Instrumentality and contributions of the psychological and potential assessment for human resource management 
2. Methods and Tools of the Psychological and Potential Assessment in Human Resource Management: Global Approach and its Specifities
2.1. Key Stages, practices and procedures of the psychological and potential assessment applied to human resource management
2.2. Methods of psychological and potential assessment: types, objectives, procedures and practices applied to human resource management. 
2.2.1. Observation
2.2.2. Interview 
2.2.3. Questionnaires and scales
2.2.4. Tests 
2.2.5. Simulations 
2.2.6. Practical examples of different methods of psychological and potential assessment: analysis, exploration and experimentation
2.3. The methods and tools of psychological and potential assessment located in different processes of human resource management
2.4. Methods and tools of psychological and potential assessment: validity, sensibility, reliability and popularity 
2.4.1. Contributive factors for the validity, sensibility and reliability of psychological and potential assessment tools 
2.5. The decision-making and combination of methods and tools of psychological and potential assessment in human resource management. 
3. Methods and Tools of the Psychological and Potential Assessment in Human Resource Management: Procedures, Practices and Techniques 
3.1. The psychological and potential assessment within selection interview: simulation exercises and practices, and autoscopy (conventional/traditional, situational, behaviour, and multimodal interview)
3.2. The psychological and potential assessment with psychological tests: objectives and characteristics
3.3. Types of psychological tests: objectives, procedures and specificities
3.3.1. Personality tests 
3.3.2. Honesty and integrity tests 
3.3.3. Professional interests tests 
3.3.4. Cognitive ability tests 
3.3.5. Perceptive ability tests 
3.3.6. Psychomotor ability tests 
3.3.7. Other tests: physical tests; knowledge tests; general intelligence tests; emotional intelligence tests; graphology test
3.3.8. Analysis, exploration and experimentation of different psychological tests: application and cotation procedures, and results interpretation
3.4. The assessment centers as a tool of psychological assessment and potential development
3.4.1. Definition and particularities
3.4.2. Process of development and implementation: delimiting valences, stages cycle and specificities
3.4.3. Classification and characterisation of the techniques types: inbasket; role-playing; presentation; discussion; and group dynamic Practical examples of different techniques: analysis and exploration Design of practical exercises for specific cases of psychological assessment and potential development Exercises and simulation practices: in-basket; discussion; and group dynamics
3.5.  Resource and consulting sources in the psychological assessment and potential development for human resource management: Infoteste; SHL; and CEGOC
3.6. Elaboration of individual reports of psychological assessment and potential development: structure and content
3.6.1. Analysis and exploration of practical examples of reports



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