Counseling Psychology (251013)
Learning Outcomes
1) Understand the role of the psychologist, counselor and psychotherapist.2) Know and practice the main skills necessary in a professional helping relationship;
3) Know the main models of approach in psychological consultation and the various contexts of intervention.
Study Program
1) Introduction to psychological consultation.2) Historical perspective - the origins of psychological consultation and counseling.
3) The psychological consultation as a helping relationship: clinical interview, counseling, psychotherapy.
4) Theoretical guidelines and psychological consultation and counseling models: dynamic, humanistic, behavioral, cognitive and systemic.
5) Specific features of psychological consultation and counseling: therapeutic indications and effectiveness of interventions.
6) Aspects of psychological consultation: psychologists’ attitudes and behaviors; consultation objectives formulation; establishing the helping relationship; beginning and ending of the consultation; the communicative and emotional dimensions.
7) The therapeutic setting.
8) Timmings in psychological consultation: Tracking, terminus, follow-up.
9) Learning the basic skills of consultation and interview.
10) Ethical aspects of psychological consultation.
11) Psychological Consultation in different contexts.
MAIN REFERENCES:Leal, I. (1999) Entrevista Clínica e Psicoterapia de Apoio. Lisboa: ISPA.
Leal, I. (2005). Iniciação às psicoterapias. Lisboa: Fim de Século.
Sheeffer , R. (1993) Aconselhamento Psicológico (7ªEd). S. Paulo: Atlas
Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan, R. (2012). Counseling and psychotherapy theories in context and practice: Skills, strategies, and techniques (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
Sommers-Flanagan, J., & Sommers-Flanagan, R. (2013). Clinical interviewing (6th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
Stewart, C., & Cash, W. (2011). Interviewing: Principles and practices (13th ed.). Mc Graw Hill.