Groups Psychology (251023)
Learning Outcomes
- Recognize the importance of gregarious behavior in the evolution of the human species and its different functions- To know the main theoretical bases of the study of the groups
- Understand group processes and articulate them with different psychological processes
- Understand the importance of groups in individual behavior
- To know the different models and interventions in groups, in different contexts of implementation
- Develop skills in evaluation, planning and group intervention as well as research skills
Study Program
1. Introduction to Group Psychologya. Gregarious behavior and its role in human evolution
b. Polyvagal Theory
c. Group definition: debate and difficulty in defining group
d. Functions, characteristics and types of group - classic reference and current reflections
e. The study of the groups: The study course of the relevant groups, theories and authors
2. Group Processes
a. Cognitive processes: Group Efficacy, Cohesion and Emotions intragroup
b. Group Structure: Norms, Papers and Relations between members and leadership
c. Social Influence
3. Phases and group development
a. Social integration of groups
b. Phases of group development according to Tuckman
4. The communication
a. Definition, processes and functions of communication
b. Efficacy of communication: barriers and attitudes favorable to communication
c. Communication networks
d. Statnet Networks - Organization Chart
5. Analysis of relations between members
a. Analysis of social networks
b. Sociometry - study and application of the sociometric test
6. Conflicts and Conflict Management
a. Negative and positive effects of conflict
b. Thomas Conflict Model
c. Negotiation as a form of conflict resolution: steps in the negotiation process
7. Psychology of Groups in the pandemic context
a. The role of social identity and group relationships
b. Leadership and social influence
c. Collective behavior
8. Group Intervention Models
a. Type of group: Therapeutic and non-therapeutic; Support and self-help groups
b. Development of group psychotherapy
c. Group psychotherapy: Self-help groups, Kurt Lewin's T-Group, Carl Rogers Gathering Groups, Psychoanalytic Group Psychotherapy, Yalom International Model, Psychodrama, Sociodrama and Family and Couples Intervention
9. Groups in the areas of health, education and organizations
10. Group Dynamics: Planning and Conducting a Group Dynamics
MAIN REFERENCES:Abrams, D., Lalot, F., & Hogg, M. A. (2021). Intergroup and intragroup dimensions of COVID-19: A social identity perspective on social fragmentation and unity. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 24(2), 201-209. doi: 1rg0/.101.71177/71/3163688443300220983440
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Brown, R., & Pehrson, S. (2019). Group processes: Dynamics within and between groups. John Wiley & Sons.
Burlingame, G. M., & Jensen, J. L. (2017). Small group process and outcome research highlights: A 25-year perspective. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 67(1), S194-S218.
Forsyth, D.R. (2018). Group dynamics (7nd ed.). Cengage Learning.
Fox, J. (2002). O essencial de Moreno. Textos sobre psicodrama, terapia de grupo e espontaneidade. Editora Ágora.
Gençer, H. (2019). Group dynamics and behaviour. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 7(1), 223-229.
Gomes, D. (Coord,) (2011). Psicologia das Organizações do Trabalho e dos Recursos Humanos. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
Guerra, M.P. & Lima, L. (Coord.) (2005). Intervenção psicológica em grupos em contextos de saúde. Climepsi Editores.
Jetten, J. (2020). Together apart: The psychology of COVID-19. Sage Publications.
Leal, I. (2005). Iniciação às psicoterapias. Fim de Século.
Porges, S. W. (2021). Polyvagal theory: A biobehavioral journey to sociality. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology, 7.
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