Psychology of Sexuality (251039)

Learning Outcomes

To address the concept of sexuality, based on different perspectives and approaches, in order to achieve a better understanding of this human nature dimension.
To know the anatomy and physiology of human sexuality; to analyze, throughout the different life cycle phases, the main characteristics/forms of sexuality expression; and to address the connection between affectivity and sexuality.
To know and understand the clinical characteristics of sexual dysfunctions and paraphilias and to develop interest in the study of sexuality, in different contexts, such as primary prevention, in educational and clinical contexts.

Study Program

1.    Introduction to the psychology of sexuality 
1.1.    The concept of sexuality 
1.2.    Historical evolution of the study of sexuality 
1.3.    Biological, psychological, cross-cultural, sociocultural and evolutionary theory perspectives
2.    Female sexual anatomy and physiology 
2.1.    Female reproductive tract 
2.2.    The menstrual cycle
3.    Male sexual anatomy and physiology 
3.1.    Male reproductive system 
3.2.    Male sexual functions
4.    Arousal and sexual response 
4.1.    The role of sense 
4.2.    Sexual response and brain 
4.3.    Human Sexual Response
5.    Sexual identity, gender roles and sexual orientation
6.    Affection and sexuality
7.    Sexual behavior
8.    Sexuality throughout the life cycle 
8.1.    Childhood 
8.2.    Adolescence
8.3.    Adult age 
8.4.    Elderly
9.    Sexual dysfunctions
10.    Paraphilias



Fonseca, L., Soares, C., & Machado Vaz, J. (2003). A sexologia – perspectiva multidisciplinar I. Coimbra: Quarteto Editora.
Fonseca, L., Soares, C., & Machado Vaz, J. (2003). A sexologia – perspectiva multidisciplinar II. Coimbra: Quarteto Editora.
López, F., & Fuentes, A. (1999). Para compreender a sexualidade. Lisboa: Associação para o Planeamento da Família.
Rathus, S. A., Nevid, J. S., & Fichner-Rathus, L. (2005). Sexualidad humana. Madrid: Pearson Prentice Hall.