Psychometry (251026)

Learning Outcomes

1.    Understand the importance of psychometry as a basic and transversal discipline to all areas of psychology;
2.    Favor knowledge associated with the construction, application, quotation, validation and interpretation of psychological instruments;
3.    Transpose to practice the knowledge about the main procedures necessary for the psychometric study of a psychological instrument;
4.    Reflect and debate on the relevance of ethics and deontology associated with the use of psychological instruments;
5.    Encourage the development of communication skills (oral and written) for knowledge sharing.

Study Program

1.    Conceptualization
1.1.    Theoretical foundations of Psychometry
1.2.    The characteristics of scientific knowledge

2.    The architecture of the research work
2.1.    Scientific problem formulation
2.2.    The scientific hypotheses
2.3.    Internal validity and external validity

3.    Data collection techniques
3.1.    Population, sample and main sampling methods
3.2.    Data collection techniques: constrution and application
3.3.    Analysis of the psychometric characteristics of the measurement instruments

4.    Statistical Data Analysis
4.1.    Statistical software IBM SPSS statistics
4.2.    Exploratory data analysis
4.3.    Parametric tests versus non-parametric tests
4.4.    Hypothesis tests for paired samples
4.5.    Association versus correlation

5.    Ethics and deontology
5.1.    Ethical Principles of an investigation with human beings

6.    Elaboration of the scientific report
6.1.    Rules for the elaboration of a scientific report
6.2.    Rules for the elaboration of a thesis



Pasquali, L. (2003). Psicometria: teoria dos testes na psicologia e na educação. Editora Vozes.
Pestana, M., Gageiro, J. (2016). Análise de dados para as ciências sociais: a complementaridade do spss. 6.ª ed. Edições Sílabo.
Pocinho, M. (2012). Metodologia de investigação e comunicação do conhecimento científico (p. 224). Lidel.