Psychopathology of Additive Behaviors (251030)
Learning Outcomes
• Understand and recognize additive behavior• Understand the concepts of physical and psychological dependence, the biopsychosocial understanding model and the different perspectives of additive behavior
• Identify and understand the key concepts, phases and processes of dependency
• Know and differentiate psychoactive substances and additive behaviors without substances, as well as the effects, processes and consequences associated with consumption and additive behavior
• Recognize and understand the diagnostic criteria for substance-related disorders and additive disorders as well as the concept of dual pathology
• To understand the multidisciplinary intervention in the additive behaviors and to know the consumption trends in Portugal, as well as, the networks of specialized services
• Develop thinking skills about additive behaviors and possible new additions accompanied by research and research capacity
Study Program
1. Introduction to additive behaviorsa. Historical perspective of the consumption of psychoactive substances and of additive behaviors;
b. Physical dependence and psychological dependence: definitions, differences and interaction;
c. Characteristics and additive behaviors - compulsiveness, impulsivity, craving, gratification and reinforcement system;
d. Key Concepts for Understanding the Dynamics of Additive Behaviors: psychoactive substance, use, intoxication, withdrawal syndrome, substanceless addictions, tolerance, relapse and co-dependence;
e. Explanatory models of the additive behaviors (social, genetic, personality, coping, conditioning and compulsive behavior models) and the Biopsychosocial Model
2. Addition to Psychoactive Substances
a. Classification of substances from a legal point of view, according to their origin and their effects (psychoanalytical, psycholeptic and psychodysleptic);
b. Classification of substance-related disorders and additive disorders according to DMS 5: criteria, organization and general characteristics;
c. Additions related to opiates
d. Additions related to stimulants
e. Additions related to hallucinogens
f. Additions related to sedatives
g. Additions related to cannabis
h. Additions related to inhalants
i. Additions related to licit substances: alcohol, tobacco and caffeine
3. Addition without substance
a. Gambling addiction
b. Shopping addiction
c. Sex addition
d. Internet addiction
e. Addition to internet games
4. The Neurobiology of Additions
5. The intervention and consumption of substances in Portugal
a. Intervention strategies and therapeutic communities - an integrative and multidisciplinary response
b. Annual Reports of the Intervention Service on Admissible Behaviors and Dependencies
6. A reflection on new additive behaviors
MAIN REFERENCES:American Psychiatric Association (2014). DSM-V: Manual de Diagnóstico e Estatística das Perturbações Mentais [DSM-V: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders] (5ª Ed.). Climpesi Editores.
Clímaco, M.I. (2004). O Jogo patológico – a adição menos visível. Revista Portuguesa de Clínica Geral, 20, 121-134.
DiClemente, C. (2018). Addiction and Change: How addictions develop and addicted people recover (2ª Ed.). The Guilford Press.
Ferreira-Borges, C. & Cunha Filho, H. (2004). Usos, abusos e dependências: Alcoolismo e toxicodependência [Uses, Abuses and Dependencies: Alcoholism and Drug Addiction]. Climepsi Editores.
Guerreschi, C. (2009). As novas dependências: internet, trabalho, sexo, telemóvel e shopping compulsivo [The new facilities: internet, work, sex, mobile phone and compulsive shopping]. Editora Paulinas.
Nunes, L. & Jólluskin, G. (2007). Drogas e comportamentos de adicção: um manual para estudantes e profissionais de saúde [Drugs and addiction behaviors: a manual for students and health professionals]. Edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa
Observatório Europeu da Droga e da Toxicodependência (2019), Relatório Europeu sobre Drogas 2019: Tendências e evoluções. Luxemburgo:Serviço das Publicações da União Europeia. doi: 10.2810/53381
Observatório Europeu da Droga e da Toxicodependência (2020), Relatório Europeu sobre Drogas 2020: Questões-chave. Luxemburgo: Serviço das Publicações da União Europeia. doi: doi:10.2810/36188
Serviço de Intervenção nos Comportamentos Aditivos e nas Dependências (2019). Relatório Anual 2018: A situação do País em Matéria de Drogas e Toxicodependências. Edição SICAD. Disponível em
S I C A D _ P U B L I C A C O E S / A t t a c h m e n t s / 1 6 2 /
Thombs, D., & Osborn, C. J. (2019). Introduction addictive behaviors (5th ed.). The Guilford Press.