Psychosociology of Organizations (261221)

Learning Outcomes

This curricular unit aims to: 1. provide students with information that allows them to identify the main concepts and theories that explain the activity developed by organizational actors, focusing on individual and interpersonal processes that occur in an organizational context 2. understand how they can intervene in these processes in their future professional practice as human resource managers.

1. Know and understand the theoretical and analytical field of the Organizational Behavior approach
2. Know the main theoretical approaches
3. Understand the fundamental issues of organizational behavior
4. Knowing, understanding and knowing how to reflect on organizational intervention processes
5. Develop a critical and deconstructive perspective

Study Program

I. Approaches and theories about motivation at work 
II. Natures of the individual-organization relationship: Linking processes 
i. The. Mutual attraction and person-organization fit;
ii. Organizational socialization Organizational identification and commitment.
III. Nature of the individual-organization relationship: Processes of social exchange in an organizational context: 
i. The Organizational justice.
ii. Perception of organizational support
iii. Psychological contract
iv. Organizational trust
v. Extra-role behaviors: organizational citizenship behaviors, counter-productive behaviors.
IV. Well-being in the organization.



Cunha, M., Rego, A., Cunha, R., & Cabral-Cardoso, C. (2007/14). Manual de comportamento organizacional e gestão (Caps. 4,5,6,8, 10, 11). Lisboa: Editora RH
Cunha, M., Cunha, R., Rego, A., Neves, P. & Cabral-Cardoso, C. (2016). Criando vínculos positivos entre as pessoas e a organização: quatro caminhos. In Manual de comportamento organizacional e gestão (cap. 5). Lisboa: Editora RH.
Ferreira, J.M.C., Neves, J., e Caetano, A. (Coord.) (2011). Manual de psicossociologia das organizações (Caps. 9, 11). Lisboa: Escolar Editora.
Mosquera, P. (2007). Integração e acolhimento. In A. Caetano e J. Vala (Orgs.), Gestão de Recursos Humanos: contextos, processos e técnicas (3ª ed, pp. 301-324). Lisboa: RH Editora.
Wegge, J., Jeppesen, H. J., Weber, W. G., Pearce, C. L., Silva, S. A., Pundt, A., ... & Piecha, A. (2011). Promoting work motivation in organizations. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 9(4), 2010, 154-171.