Quality in Information Systems (271153)
Learning Outcomes
- Provide theoretical and practical knowledge about information systems (IS) quality, in distinct dimensions of organizational management and certification of IS processes and IS products.
- Introduce models and quality standards (national / international) about organizational management systems and software engineering.
- Develop planning, testing, and risk management skills in the context of software development and implementation.
- Present the use of quality techniques and management tools, its adoption for assessment, evaluation, audit, and improvement of IS/IT development processes.
- Introduce frameworks, models, and best practices in IS (e.g., ITIL).
- Present essential concepts of Microsoft .NET and related technologies, in the practice of IS quality.
Study Program
- Quality management
- Foundations
- IS/IT Quality; data quality, information quality, and systems quality
- ISO management systems: ISO 9001:2008 standard
- Certification (company / product)
- Standardization and IS/IT process improvement
- ISO15504 / SPICE
- ISO 9001:2015 and BPM – Business Process Management
- Specific IS standards: NASA, NATO (AQAP) e ECSS, Information and
Systems Security
- Product quality and development process quality
- Software quality assurance
- Methodologies and metrics in software quality
- IS quality management models for traditional and agile approaches
- Tests and software inspections
- Quality management software
- IS quality practice with Visual Studio
- Microsoft.NET
- Microsoft.NET Windows and Web
- Validation and error control
Apontamentos da disciplina e artigos a apresentar pelo docente.
Normas internacionais de gestão da qualidade (ISO, NP EN ISO 9001:2015).
PATTON, R. (2005). Software Testing (2nd Edition). Sams. ISBN: 0672327988.
TIAN, J. (2005). Software Quality Engineering: Testing, Quality Assurance, and Quantifiable Improvement. Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press. ISBN: 0471713457.
CARNEIRO, A. (2002). Auditoria de Sistemas de Informação. FCA – Editora de Informática. ISBN: 972-722-436-9.