Social Work, Justice and Social Reintegration (241127)
Learning Outcomes
* Analysis of Social Work in Social and Legal Department;* Review of inclusion of social work in the prison service and probation;
* Introduction to the study of the problem of criminality and victimization;
* Acquisition of concepts and critical analysis of the deviation process, crime and probation in contemporary society;
* Analysis of guardianship justice policies and criminal and social reintegration;
* Development of the critical capacity of reflection on professional practice in different areas of intervention of justice and social reintegration.
Study Program
1. Introduction: The Social Work in the area of justice and the forensic social Service1.1. Brief analysis of the history of Social Work in the courts: pioneers of the SS, female question and juvenile courts;
1.2. Brief analysis of the historical evolution of the Social Work in the administration of justice in Portugal
1.3. The social and legal in the work of social workers-Social Work and specialized Social Work
2. Deviation and crime
2.1. Brief presentation of the school of Positivist criminology; Symbolic interactionism: Critical criminology; Feminist criminology; Globalization and crime
3. Justice and social reintegration
3.1. Concepts: Justice and social reintegration
3.1.1. Tutelary Educational Law: The Principles, the process and the tutelary measures of education for the law.
3.1.2. The arrest and enforcement of custodial measures
3.1.3. The probation
3.1.4. Restorative justice
4. Social work and justice
4.1. The institutional framework of the social Work at the Instituto Medicina Legal, in the education and teaching services teams in the EPS, in the educational centers teams and in the social reinsertion teams.
4.2. The work of social workers in advising the courts
4.3. Social work and social reintegration
4.4. Work instruments of social workers in justice services and social reintegration.
MAIN REFERENCESAgra, C. da,Castro, J. (2005), "Mediação e Justiça Restaurativa: Esquema para uma lógica do conhecimento e da experimentação" in RFDUP, II.
Beltrán, A. M. (2009). La practica especializada en trabajo social forense. Puerto Rico, Bibliográficas
Borgianni, E (2013). “Para entender o Serviço Social na área sociojurídica”. Em Serviço Social e Sociedade, São Paulo, n.o 115, p. 407-442, jul/set.
Carvalho, S. (2007). Manual de boas práticas em reinserção. Lisboa, Instituto da Droga e da Toxicodependência Código de execução de penas e medidas privativas de liberdade. (2009) Coimbra, Edições Almedina S.A.
Coletânea de texto do workshop de reinserção (2004). Porto, Instituto da Droga e Toxicodependência.
Goffman, E. (1968). Asiles. Études sur la Condition Sociale des Malades Mentaux et Autres Reclus, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1968.
Vieira, I. F. (2015). A participação. Um paradigma para a intervenção social. Lisboa, Universidade Católica Editora.
Vieira, R. (2011). O relatório social – expressão de um processo de perícia social. Em Intervenção Social, n.o 38, p.205-231.
Xiberras, M. (1996). As teorias da exclusão. Para uma construção do imaginário do desvio. Lisboa, Instituto Piaget.