Strategic Management (271095)

Learning Outcomes

To know the importance of the strategy for the success f the organization; Understand the strategy formulation, implementation, monitoring and evolution as well as understand the strategy formulation, implementation, monitoring and evolution.

Study Program

1. Introducing strategy
1.1 What is strategy
1.2 Strategic framework
1.3 Strategic execution
1.4 Studying strategy
1.5 Exploring the strategy

2. The strategic position
2.1 Macro-environment analysis
2.2 Scenario analysis

3. Industry and sector analysis
3.1 Defining industry
3.2 The 5 competitive forces matrix
3.3 Industry types and dynamics
3.4 Competitors and markets
3.5 Opportunities and threats

4. Resources and capabilities
4.1 Foundations of resources and capabilities
4.2 Distinctive resources and capabilities as a basis of competitive Advantage
4.3 Organizational knowledge as a basis of competitive advantage
4.4 Resources and capabilities diagnosis
4.5 Dynamic capabilities

5. Stakeholders and governance
5.1 Stakeholders
5.2 corporate governance
5.3 Social responsibility and ethics

6. History and culture
6.1 The importance of the organizational history
6.2 Why is culture important?

7. Strategic choices
7.1 Corporative strategy
7.2 Business strategy
7.3 Internationalization
7.4 International strategies
7.5 Mergers, acquisitions and alliances

8. Strategic management process
8.1 Phase 1 – Current situation
8.2 Phase 2 - Scenarios
8.3 Phase 3 - Decision
8.4 Phase 4 - Planning
8.5 Phase 5 – Control and evaluation

9. Control and evaluation of organizational performance
9.1 Measurement and evaluation systems
9.2 Organizational performance evaluation models
9.3 Three-Dimensional Model of Organizational Performance Evaluation


Freire, A. (2003). Estratégia – Sucesso em Portugal. Lisboa: Editorial Verbo
Teixeira, S. (2011). Gestão Estratégica. Lisboa: Escolar Editora
Wheelen, T. e Hunger, J. (2012). Strategic Management and Business Policy: Toward Global Sustainability. 13ª Ed., New Jersey: Pearson Education
Santos, A. (2008). Gestão Estratégica. Conceitos, modelos e instrumentos. Lisboa: Escolar Editora