Strategic Management (261160)

Learning Outcomes

To know the importance of the strategy for the success f the organization;

Understand the strategy formulation, implementation, monitoring and evolution as well as understand the strategy formulation, implementation, monitoring and evolution

Study Program

    1. Introducing strategy
      • What is strategy
      • Strategic framework
      • Strategic execution
      • Studying strategy
      • Exploring the strategy
    2. The strategic position
      • Macro-environment analysis
      • Scenario analysis
    3. Industry and sector analysis
      • Defining industry
      • The 5 competitive forces matrix
      • Industry types and dynamics
      • Competitors and markets
      • Opportunities and threats
    4. Resources and capabilities
      • Foundations of resources and capabilities
      • Distinctive resources and capabilities as a basis of competitive
    5. Advantage
      • Organizational knowledge as a basis of competitive advantage
      • Resources and capabilities diagnosis
      • Dynamic capabilities
    6. Stakeholders and governance
      • Stakeholders
      • corporate governance
      • Social responsibility and ethics
    7. History and culture
      • The importance of the organizational history
      • Why is culture important?
    8. Strategic choices
      • Corporative strategy
      • Business strategy
      • Internationalisation
      • International strategies
      • Mergers, acquisitions and alliances
    9. Strategic management process
      • Fase 1 – Current situation
      • Fase 2 - Scenarios
      • Fase 3 - Decision
      • Fase 4 - Planning
      • Fase 5 – Control and evaluation
    10. Control and evaluation of organizational performance
      • Measurement and evaluation systems
      • Organizational performance evaluation models
      • Three-Dimensional Model of Organizational Performance Evaluation




Freire, A. (2003). Estratégia – Sucesso em Portugal. Lisboa: Editorial Verbo.
Teixeira, S. (2011). Gestão Estratégica. Lisboa: Escolar Editora.
Wheelen, T. e Hunger, J. (2012). Strategic Management and Business Policy: Toward Global Sustainability. 13ª Ed., New Jersey: Pearson Education.
Santos, A. (2008). Gestão Estratégica. Conceitos, modelos e instrumentos. Lisboa: Escolar Editora.