Systems Analysis (271139)

Learning Outcomes

This course aims at introducing the science of requirements engineering, which is essential to the development of correct information systems.

Study Program

  1. Introduction to systems’ analysis and specification. The role of the system analyst. Defining the vision and scope in the context of the development of information systems.
  2. Introduction to requirements engineering. Different types of requirements.
  3. The importance of user interaction in requirements engineering. Use of different techniques and methodologies to the elicitation, analysis, management and validation of requirements, including use cases, wireframes, user stories, storyboards and story maps.
  4. Writing requirements. The focus on the Agile philosophy. Evaluation of user stories using the INVEST mnemonic. Acceptance tests.
  5. Requirements quality. User story evaluation for reducing ambiguities.
  6. Principles of object oriented system analysis with Java and UML.



Diapositivos da Unidade Curricular disponibilizados no LMS (Moodle).
Nunes, M. & O’Neil, H. (2004). Fundamental do UML (3a Ed). Lisboa: FCA.
Satzinger, J., Jackson, R., & Burd, S. (2016). Systems analysis and design in a changing world (7th ed.). Boston: CT Press.
Silva, A. & Videira, C. (2005). UML: Metodologias e ferramentas CASE. Lisboa: Centro Atlântico.