Theories of News (261186)

Learning Outcomes

This course aims to establish itself as a privileged space for reflection on Journalism theories, seeking to empower students of theoretical knowledge and skills to read and watch the news in a critical way.

Study Program

1)    Journalism Theories
a)    Theories of Journalism and values News
b)    The Narrative Journalism
c)    The journalist's identity
2)    Journalism Exercise
a)    The relationship between journalists and the Information Sources
b)    Economic and political conditions, organizational culture, professional routines

3)    Journalistic content and media frameworks
a)    Events of the News
b)    The Scheduling Concepts and Framework Newsy
c)    The Happening How Public Issue; The Social Event

4)    Public, media literacy and Reception Processes
a)    The media society: The Social Responsibility of the Media
b)    Media, Citizenship and Literacy: "Read Media"
c)    Media, inclusion and diversity: The (in) visibilities media



Correia, João Carlos (2011), O Admirável Mundo das Notícias. Covilhã: Labcom,
Fontcuberta, Mar de (1999), A Notícia. Pistas para Compreender o Mundo. Lisboa: Editorial Notícias.
Sousa, Jorge Pedro (2006), Elementos de Teoria e Pesquisa da Comunicação e dos Media. Porto: Edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa.
Traquina, Nelson (ed.) (1993), Jornalismo: Questões, Teorias e "Estórias”. Lisboa: Vega.
Pena, Paulo, Fábrica de Mentiras. Objetiva