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Password reset for Moodle, email and Wifi

To reset your password, you must send to the email  the following data:

  • Subject: Moodle password reset request
  • Full name
  • student's number at ISMT
  • Course you are enrolled in.

Password reset for E-SCA

To reset your password, you must send to the email, the following data:

  • Subject: E-SCA password reset request
  • Full name
  • student's number at ISMT
  • Course you are enrolled in.

How to access Wi-Fi, Webmail and Moodle at ISMT

You have received in your usual email the information regarding the credentials for access to the email, Moodle and Wireless network at ISMT.

To access the ISMT Wireless network service (Secure- ISMT) you must authenticate yourself using as “username” your student number and the password (the same that gives access to Moodle). 


Access to this website: with your name/number of student and the password sent. 

Access "Definições"(Settings), and change the password, filling this: 

Palavra-passe atual (Current password): the password sent previously by email
Nova palavra-passe (New password): your new password 
Confirmar palavra-passe (Confirm password): repeat new password 

IMPORTANT: The new password must have each one of the following elements: lowercase letter (az), uppercase letter (AZ), number (0-9), special character (!#%&@{[]}+*.|), and must have at least 10 characters.