

Duration: 6 Semesters

Coordenação Científica: Professor Doutor Júlio Costa Pinto
Contacto Coordenação Científica:

Coordenação Executiva: Dr. Frederico Fonseca
Contacto Coordenação Executiva::


The objectives of this degree are to train graduates with the tools and skills to:

Interpret and build with semantic rigor oral and written statements suitable for different media and contexts;

Develop the ability to innovate, denoting creativity, in different communication situations; exercise the capacity for criticism and self-criticism in professional situations;

Identify notions of Information Society, Globalization, Network;

Know the legislation that regulates Communication;

Recognize the communication process and the sensory processes inherent to it; know and apply tools of Information and Communication Technologies;

Learn techniques and models in graphic and vector design;

Know and apply specific technical principles of Audiovisuals in the areas of Production and Directing;

Mastering computer programming principles and techniques;

Know theoretical principles and apply techniques of photography;

Know theoretical principles and apply techniques of Sonoplasty;

Produce web content;

Apply graphic communication tools;

Learn and apply content on virtual scenography and animation;

Distinguish and apply scripting/screenplay techniques for Multimedia and Audiovisual;

Possess knowledge of systems and database analysis;

Understand different socio-cultural interactions in Cyberspace.

Degree website: Multimedia ISMT

*The student will be able to freely choose any CU with 5 ECTS at all ISMT's formative cast.

Employment Opportunities

At the end of the 1st cycle of studies of the degree in Multimedia, students are qualified to exercise the various new professions that guarantee the harmonious articulation between the fields of Communication, Information Technology and Design. These professions, in true and unstoppable growth, are the most important and essential in the context of the current Knowledge and Information Society.


Web designer;

Project management in the area of information systems, specifically in multimedia production and publishing (internet, digital media, online publications, …);

Graphic and image production direction;

Computer and Audiovisual Media Centers;

Image and sound editing departments in audiovisual production companies;

Graphic creation departments for screen (including TV and video);

Creative departments in advertising companies;

Computer and Audiovisual Media Centers;


Teaching in the field of ICT;

Liberal professionals in the field of multimedia communication.

Admission Requirements

Application Classification for National Students:

Secondary education final grade – 50%;

Entrance Exam Classification – 50%.

  • 18 Português

And one of the following national exams:

  • 03 Desenho
  • 10 Geometria Descritiva
  • 12 História da Cultura e das Artes
  • 11 História
  • 13 Inglês
  • 16 Matemática

International Students please consult our page dedicated to you: International Students 


Order number 12998/2023 [pdf] [in portuguese]


Registered in DGES – R/A-Ef 987/2011

Change registration number: R/A-Ef 987/2011/AL04


Students Services:, +351 239 488 039/41
Office for International Relations:, +351 239 488 037